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The Standard Deviants: The Flaky Pastry World of French (1998)

Directed by Joseph Doria


Parlez vous Français? Not yet? Well, the Standard Deviants can help. The Standard Deviants will help you master the French alphabet, learn lots of vocabulary and how to conjugate verbs. This DVD is full of examples and mnemonic devices to help you learn this fascinating and beautiful language!

Rated NR | Length 80 minutes


Gelila Asres | Herschel Bleefeld | Desmond Dutcher | Leila Howland | Jeremy Klavens | Kristjana Knight | Chas Mastin | Walter Mastrapa | Tessa Munro | Rahaleh Nassri | Shaun Powell | Matt Beckham | Patricia Buignet | Diane Cooper | Joseph Doria | Allana Kirk | Liz Mango | John Michael Macdonald | Chris Wylde | Alexia Gino Saliba | Joseph Thompson | Mike Turfler | Regan Wynne | Lara D. Hopewell