The eponymous Dusty is an appropriately named dingo, or wild dog. Roaming the fertile fields of Australia, Dusty is captured as a puppy. Though dingoes are normally averse to human companionship, Dusty attaches himself to an old, worn-out shepherd, played by Bill Kerr. The dog gives Kerr a reason for living, and vice versa. Be sure to have plenty of Kleenex handy for some of the mistier passages of Dusty.
Length 88 minutes
Bill Kerr | Noel Trevarthen | Carol Burns | John Stanton | Nick Holland | Dan Lynch | Kati Edwards | William Kerr | Ed Thurley | Mary Howlett | Peter Aanensen | Pam Murphy | Reg Gorman | Nevil Thurgood | Kim Trengove | Andrea Butcher | Terry Trimble | Phillip Day | Andrew Clement