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Mistress of the Apes (1979)

Directed by Larry Buchanan


Jenny Neumann takes a group of men into the jungles of Kenya to look for her husband, and instead finds a tribe of caveman-looking “Near-Men” who all seem terribly attracted to her beautiful blond hair.

Rated R | Length 84 minutes


Jenny Neumann | Barbara Leigh | Garth Pillsbury | Walt Robin | Stuart Lancaster | Mark Rhudy | Marius Mazmanian | Barry Buchanan | Blayne Dennis | Dale Kalberg | Burr Middleton | Suzy Mandel | George Travis | Maida Belove | Angela De Joseph | Ric Drasin | Dennis Gable | Sandra Kaye | Frank Martone | Dale Park | Joseph Leo Sexton | Paula Sills | Vince Torrente | Raymond Vellucci