We bring you the daily lives of Futaro and the quintuplets as adults! Futaro, who successfully guided the academically struggling and study-averse quintuplets as their part-time tutor until their “graduation.” Though each achieved their dreams and walked their own paths, it seems they each carry some worries… Amidst this, Futaro and the quintuplets plan a Hawaii trip doubling as their honeymoon. Just as preparations were going smoothly, an incident occurred, causing a great panic! And even in Hawaii, their honeymoon destination, they find themselves caught up in troubles…!? A 500% adorable quintuplet romantic comedy, the honeymoon edition──!!
Length 47 minutes
Yoshitsugu Matsuoka | Kana Hanazawa | Ayana Taketatsu | Miku Ito | Ayane Sakura | Inori Minase