Ema & Death’s-Head deals with the precarious border between humanism and the protection of one’s own life in situations when one excludes the other. Marika Sándorfi is hiding a Jewish boy during the dramatic era of the First Slovak State on the Slovak-Hungarian border. Šimon Holan, the boy in hiding, has a special ability to survive thanks to dreaming and a child’s fantasy.
Length 129 minutes
Alexandra Borbély | Milan Ondrík | Nico Klimko | Alexander E. Fennon | Florentín Groll | Dénes Ujlaky | Éva Bándor | Ján Mistrík | László Mátray | Lili Monori | János Derzsi | Molnár Piroska | Tatiana Pauhofová | Kateřina Jebavá | Ján Kováčik | Kóvacs S. József | Kristof Tobiás Zachar | Tadeáš Bolo | Imre Boráros | Attila Csaba Gaál | Kristína Holocsy | Filip Jekkel | Jókai Ágnes | Laco Kerata | Michal Kucer | Zvonko Lakčevič | Michal Legíň | Adela Mojžišová | Attila Mokoš | Dorina Morva | Johana Morva | Kornélia Nagy | László Nagy | Erik Ollé | Lýdia Ondrušová | Markéta Richterová | Béla Stenczer | Claudia Vaseková | Emese Vasvári