A feature film about the life of Aimee Semple McPherson, the famed evangelist of the 1920s.
Length 110 minutes
Mimi Michaels | Laura Anderson | Carl Ballantine | Teres Byrne | Kiera Chaplin | Barbara Kerr Condon | Angela de Malignon | Etienne Eckert | Linda Fitak | Michael Gier | Joe Gonzalez | Charles Gorgano | Joann Green | Melissa Greenfield | Rance Howard | Charles Hoyes | Anjenique Hughes | Rex Kerr | Brandy Maddox | David Mattey | Obren Milanovic | Michael Minor | Chad Nadolski | Roy O'Reilly | Louis Pastore | Josh Rossi | Karis Rossi | Sherrie Rossi | Laurie Shaw | Keaton Shyler | Jenny Tallent | Randy Toews | Suzanne Tsai | Selah Victor | Laura Voethe | Richard Rossi