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Karachi (1989)

Directed by Oddvar Einarson


Sara Philips is pressured into smuggling 2 kg heroin into Norway. She meets up with the narcotics agent Ted Hansen and lets him use her in a scheme to catch the powerful people in the drug cartel. While hiding in Ted’s safe house, Ted himself tries to catch the badguys. Fatigued and frustrated with an inefficient police department, untouchable criminals and Sara’s sexual provocations, he’s on the verge on giving up. However, suddenly Ted gets a clue. A clue leading him to Karachi.

Length 92 minutes


Jon Eikemo | Amanda Ooms | Hans Ola Sørlie | Ståle Bjørnhaug | Øyvin Bang Berven | Badi Uzzaman | Erik Hivju | Lars Vik | Robert Ryall | Nasrullah Qureshi | Anne Krigsvoll