After the untimely death of his older siblings, a struggling young architect suddenly becomes a “single parent” for his nephews. When the opportunity for a better life arises, he must choose between his love life, career, or his nephews.
Length 131 minutes
Chicco Kurniawan | Amanda Rawles | Fatih Unru | Freya Jayawardana | Ahmad Nadif | Kawai Labiba | Niken Anjani | Ringgo Agus Rahman | Kiki Narendra | Maudy Kusnaedi | Ence Bagus | Tahlia Motik | Sarah Mawla | Sheila Dara Aisha | David Brendi | Chandra Satria | Reza Nangin | Kartika Widya | Nizar Umar Akbar | Neysa Ananda | Amanda Gondowijoyo | Barra Swetajaloe | Mariana Resli | Prisca Charity Worotikan | Adinegoro Natsir | Sri Suhartini | Dimar Han | Muhammad Faisal Ashraf