Follows Sky Kelly, a teen who has been tasked with keeping the legacy of her birth father, Cody Kelly, alive by winning an annual martial arts tournament, given in his honor.
Length 86 minutes
Ricardo Khalil Addams-Pilgrim | Patricia Alves | Dray Buford | Jimmie Carter | Sarah Fina | Omar Gooding | Jayquan Grant | Cameren Jackson | Guyviaud Joseph | Alonzo Herran JR | Keone Lewis | Robert Lewis | Adham McGuire | CAhlim McMillan | Nnyairaaa Milton | Ayo Moore | Essynce Moore | Markice Moore | Miguel A. Núñez, Jr. | Jackeline Rodrigues | James Parris | Jamie Senat | Mike Strong | Taimak | Tobias Truvillion