Oleg is a high school student who, together with his friends, engages in petty theft. Olga is the daughter of a military man who controls her every move.
Length 102 minutes
Aleksey Onezhen | Alexandra Tikhonova | Andrey Parkhomenko | Grigoriy Stolbov | Oleg Savostyuk | Elena Lyadova | Nikita Kologrivy | Valery Pankov | Ekaterina Kuchma | Anton Artemyev | Timofey Tribuntsev | Semen Litvinov | Vyacheslav Parshin | Mika Lipman | Fotis Kelepuris | Evgeny Kuntsevich | Leonid Bichevin | Igor Khripunov | Denis Kotelnikov | Polina Maknalti | Kristina Popova | Andrey Polishchuk