Set in a small Swedish town, the story is centered around three best friends aged 20. Michelle, a photo model, has a drinking problem which leads to a string of one-night-stands, including sex with the hot tempered boyfriend of Anna. She has just moved in with him and is too much in love too see his faults. Petra is their clever friend who must combine being pregnant with operating her own café.
Length 85 minutes
Sanna Carlstedt | Johanna Granström | Erica Carlson | Niklas Engdahl | Ulf Nyberg | Sverrir Gudnason | Göran Forsmark | Annmari Kastrup | Line Murken | Maja Markström | Lisa Renlund | Sara Arnia | Ingemar Raukola | Monica Goossens | Eva Rögde | Jarl Lindblad | Michael Odhag | Staffan Hammar | Hackim Jakobsson | Pontus Wikström