This musical comedy tells the story of two men whose friendship (whose beginning is told in “A toda máquina”) is affected by assumptions love triangles and misunderstandings between the two, however, the value of that friendship overcomes all difficulties.
Length 100 minutes
Pedro Infante | Luis Aguilar | Rosita Arenas | Gloria Mange | Emma Rodríguez | Manuel Arvide | Ángel Infante | Manuel Noriega | Carmen Montejo | Jorge Casanova | Rogelio Fernández | Elodia Hernández | Mario Humberto Jiménez Pons | Luis Leal Solares | Chel López | Concepción Martínez | Bruno Márquez | José Pardavé | Salvador Quiroz | Aurora Ruiz | María Luisa Smith | María Valdealde | Alfredo Varela padre | Manuel Vergara 'Manver' | Acela Vidaurri