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Citizen Steve (1987)

Directed by Dan Aykroyd, John Candy


On the occasion of the 40th birthday of the almighty filmmaker Steven Allan Spielberg, inquisitive reporter Clip Maxwell attempts to uncover the truth behind his undisputed rise to the throne of the Amblin Empire.

Length 24 minutes


Dan Aykroyd | John Candy | Richard Dreyfuss | Bob Gale | Kathleen Kennedy | Frank Marshall | Jake Steinfeld | Robin Williams | Robert Zemeckis | Christian Bale | Drew Barrymore | Paul Bartel | Tony Bill | Paul Campanella | Allen Daviau | Michael J. Fox | Bill Gains | Bill Gates | Whoopi Goldberg | Amy Irving | Michael Jackson | George Lucas | Penny Marshall | Heather O'Rourke | Chris Pischke | Sid Sheinberg | Barry Sollenberger | Jim Sollenberger | Anne Spielberg | Arnold Spielberg | Leah Spielberg | Max Spielberg | Nancy Spielberg | Sue Spielberg | Barbra Streisand | Lew Wasserman | Eleanor Wolf | Dorothy Zusman