In the 18th century in Madrid, the Marquess of Esquilache, King Charles III of Spain’s former minister, bans on wearing the popular wide collar with a long coat and brimmed hat. Along with other measures provoke a massive riot in the city.
Length 100 minutes
Fernando Fernán Gómez | José Luis López Vázquez | Ángela Molina | Ángel de Andrés | Concha Velasco | Adolfo Marsillach | Amparo Rivelles | Tito Valverde | Alberto Closas | Roberto Martín | Francisco Portes | Paco Hernández | Josu Ormaetxe | José Antonio Navarro | Félix Casales | Joaquín Notario | Gary Piquer | José Antonio Correa | Cesáreo Estébanez | Mauro Muñiz | Alberto de Miguel | Enrique Navarro | Emilio Guardeño | Antonio Díaz | José María Malo | Encarna Bonacase | Juan Meseguer