Journeys through some of the most significant events in America’s rise to power, reliving the improbabilities that demonstrate what the Founders always believed: that events unfolded according to a master plan.
James Arnold Taylor | Cameron Arnett | Pat Boone | Libby Smallbone | Ben Davies | Scott Swope | Candace Kirkpatrick | Nick Schroeder | Kera O'Bryon | Barry Price | Douglas B. Maddox | Nigel Butler | Terry Jernigan | Walter Robert Duckworth | Rachel Day Hughes | Dawson Mullen | J. Benedict Larmore | Jason Alan Cook | Carter Burch | Ryan Maddux | Gary Modlish | Jeb Aufiero | Zach Ruchkin | Clinton D. Walker | Daniel H.T. Shippey | Nachayka Vanterpool | Bryan C. Rohr