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Snabba Cash ()

Directed by Jesper Ganslandt, Måns Månsson, Lisa Farzaneh


The entrepreneurial jet set and the criminal world are more brutal, chaotic, and ruthless than ever. When these two worlds collide, loyalty, friendships, and business partners will be tested in the never-ending quest for easy money.

Length 258 minutes


Evin Ahmad | Alexander Abdallah | Ali Alarik | Dada Fungula Bozela | Ayaan Ahmed | Ghazal Khalili | Olle Sarri | Johan Jonason | Lennox Söderström | Nadja Christiansson | Yasmine Garbi | Johni Tadi | Egon Ebbersten | Daniel Nevado Kröger | Peter Eggers | Mehdi Sharifi | Nikolai von Schlippenbach | Arif S. Kinchen | Austin Boyce