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Man of the Hour (1914)

Directed by Maurice Tourneur


Ruined by Charles Wainwright, George Garrison commits suicide but begs his son Henry to avenge him before expiring. Henry goes West makes a fortune, then returns to New York. Assuming the name of Henry Thompson he becomes Wainwright’s protégé and through his machinations is elected mayor of New York. For his support Wainwright wants a franchise binding the city to the financier’s railway, but Henry refuses. Attempting to frame Henry on an old murder charge fails when the “victim,” Henry’s partner Joe Standing shows up. Finally, Henry confronts Wainwright exposing his evil deeds. Wainwright’s daughter, Dallas, proclaims her love for Henry.

Length 50 minutes


Robert Warwick | Alec B. Francis | Eric Mayne | Johnny Hines | Belle Adair | Chester Barnett | Ned Burton | Thomas Jackson | Bert Starkey | Charles Dungan