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Dissolution, histoire d'un séisme politique (2024)

Directed by Pauline Pallier


Misunderstood by the French, Emmanuel Macron’s dissolution of the National Assembly on June 9, 2024, led to an unprecedented political deadlock. This documentary examines whether he miscalculated, why he took such a risk, and whether this signals a deeper institutional crisis in the Fifth Republic.

Length 96 minutes


Nicolas Sarkozy | François Hollande | Jean-Luc Mélenchon | Marine Le Pen | Manuel Valls | Alain Juppé | Édouard Philippe | François Bayrou | Bernard Cazeneuve | Xavier Bertrand | Élisabeth Borne | Jean-François Copé | Yaël Braun-Pivet | Lucie Castets | Laurent Fabius | Olivier Faure | Gérard Larcher | Hervé Marseille | Laurent Wauquiez