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The story follows Hariko, a junior high schooler who moonlights as an illusionist, experiencing a meteoric rise in popularity and newfound financial success. Taking advantage of this, Hariko’s mother hatches a plan to demolish the old apartment complex she manages and replace it with a new building. However, four stubborn residents refuse to vacate. Running out of options, her mother sends the now-famous Hariko to deal with them directly—but what awaits her there is entirely unexpected…
Length 75 minutes
Genki Okawa | Takashi Yamanaka | Nobue Iketani | Marie Machida | Seiji Nozoe | Gomoto Naoya | Shuuji HAYASHI | Kintarô Hara | Mitsunori Hirokawa | Kazuyuki Yamazaki | Maika Kawaguchi