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Average Rating: 6.5/10

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Night of the Howling Beast (1975)

Directed by Miguel Iglesias

Most recently watched by sensoria, sleestakk


Waldemar, the renowned adventurer, joins an expedition to find the Yeti in the Himalayas. While hiking the mountains, he’s captured by two cannibalistic demon nymphets guarding a remote Buddhist temple and becomes their sex-slave. They transform him into a werewolf setting him loose to roam the mountain where he encounters a sadistic bandit.

Rated R | Length 87 minutes


Paul Naschy | Mercedes Molina | Silvia Solar | Gil Vidal | Luis Induni | Josep Castillo Escalona | Ventura Oller | Verónica Miriel | Juan Velilla | José Luis Chinchilla | Fernando Ulloa | Ana María Mauri | Gaspar 'Indio' González | Víctor Israel | Marta Avilés | Carmen G. Cervera | Pepa Ferrer | Eduardo Alcázar | Beatriz Barón