The story of “Captain Thunder and the Holy Grail” is set during the Third Crusade in Palestine, when Captain Thunder finds in the dungeons of a fortress a dying Christian named Juan de Ribera, who entrusts him the mission to restore to Spain a cup which is the Holy Grail, stolen from an ancient order. Thunder, with his inseparable friends Crispin and Goliath, and a Viking princess named Sigfrid, will face an evil feudal lord and his black “devils”, who are terrorizing the population of low Aragón.
Length 115 minutes
Sergio Peris-Mencheta | Natasha Yarovenko | Adrián Lamana | Man Martínez | Gary Piquer | Luis Fernando Alvés | Natalia Rodríguez | Francisco Merino | Jon Bermúdez | Xabier Murua | Ramón Langa | Jennifer Rope | Jorge Galeano | Antonio Chamizo | Alejandro Jornet | Andrea Masulli | Asier Etxeandia | Roberto Álvarez | Alejandro Naranjo