The Boss Baby: Back in Business is an American animated comedy television series produced by DreamWorks Animation Television. The show, based on the 2017 film The Boss Baby, loosely based on the 2010 picture book of the same name written by Marla Frazee. The series premiered on Netflix on April 6, 2018. JP Karliak voices The Boss Baby, replacing Alec Baldwin, while Pierce Gagnon replaces Miles Bakshi as Timothy Leslie Templeton; with the exception of Eric Bell Jr. reprised his role from the film, as The Triplets. The second season premiered on October 12, 2018, The third season premiered on March 16, 2020, an interactive special The Boss Baby: Get That Baby premiered on September 1, 2020, and the fourth and final season premiered on November 17, 2020.
Rated G | Length 999 minutes
JP Karliak | Alex Cazares | Kevin Michael Richardson | Carlos Ponce | Pierce Gagnon | Hope Levy | David W. Collins | Eric Bell Jr. | Brandon Scott | Flula Borg | Kari Wahlgren | Aasif Mandvi | Carla Tassara