The story revolves around Ogino, who is in the last year of his medical studies. Between lectures, exams, on field training, his commitment as a pro-reformist militant and his girlfriend, Ogino is starting to wonder if he’s really cut out to be a doctor.
Length 126 minutes
Masato Furuoya | Ran Ito | Masahiro Mitsuda | Tsutomu Kariba | Akira Emoto | Hajime Nishizuka | Kisako Makishi | Ichirô Ogura | Kai Atô | Takashi Naito | Yoshinobu Kaneko | Yosuke Saito | Shogo Kano | Yugo Miyazaki | Teizou Muta | Kôjirô Kusanagi | Moeko Ezawa | Leo Morimoto | Takuma Ikeuchi