Relations between Huckebein, a humble tailor, and Greizinger, a wealthy farmer, become strained after Greizinger breaks off the romance between his son, Franzl, and Huckenbein’s daughter, Evi. However, after a situation with a 100 mark note taken from a pair of trousers pressed by Huckebein belonging to Greisinger is resolved, a valuable mineral spring is found on the tailor’s property,and the warring fathers become friends and Evi and Franzl are married.
Length 92 minutes
Karl Valentin | Liesl Karlstadt | Ilse Petri | Reinhold Bernt | Hans Leibelt | Volker von Collande | Albert Florath | Käthe Haack | Aribert Wäscher | Gerhard Bienert | Martha Ziegler | Käte Merk | Ilse Rose-Vollborn