A local inspector and a French police officer investigate a body found floating in the Scheldt.
Length 90 minutes
Alexia Depicker | David Kammenos | Martin Swabey | Louka Minnella | Fabrice Rodriguez | Nathalie Besançon | Anne Girouard | Habib Ben Tanfous | Kassim Meesters | Quentin Marteau | Laurence Warin | Daphné Huynh | Erico Salamone | Sasha Nugent | Simon Caudry | Frédéric Clou | Lou Lambrecht | Aurélien Ringelheim | Geneviève Baerten | Caroline Maus | Gunter De Bel | Sacha Lepers | Valentin Caudron | Philippe Beyls | Analphia Desmet