Adapted from a popular ‘three dime novel’ the story revolves around two down-and-out buddies, one streetwise and quick-witted the other naïve and kind-hearted. This oddball duo go through up and downs and eventually get their break in life.
Length 101 minutes
Patrick Tse | Helena Law Lan | Wu Fung | Lee Pang-Fei | Sze-Ma Wah-Lung | Ho Bik-Kin | Lee Yuet-Ching | Ming Fung | Nam Hung | Keung Chung-Ping | Go Chiu | Leung Chun-Mat | Tong Kim-Ting | Man Leng | Kong Suet | Au Ngok | Wong Hak | Lee Keng-Ching | Foh Yi | Wong Yau-Ming