A murder in broad daylight in the port of Antwerp: model Jean-Baptiste Kalemba is shot dead by a masked cyclist while jogging in front of the famous “Havenhuis”. Although the assassin must be a professional, Detective Inspector Louma Shapiro and her colleague Pierre Didier suspect a mistake.
Length 90 minutes
Marie-Lou Sellem | Miguel Francisco | Karmela Shako | Maéva Marie Mathilde Roth | Martin Swabey | Eric Godon | Bertrand Leplae | Amelie Hennig | Hyun Wanner | Sheri Hagen | Kirsten Block | Moisej Bazijan | John Dobrynine | Eszter Popp | Carl-Philipp Wengler | Isabelle Barth | Pahuni Kongolo Kakesse | Marieke Dilles | Lydie Decouvelaere | Marcos Adamantiadis | Silvana Cigognini | Michel Collige | Patrizia Berti