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Housequake (2009)

Directed by Karen Elizabeth Price


Capturing political theater at its most basic level, this documentary recounts the Democratic Party’s stunning takeover of the U.S. House of Representatives in the 2006 elections, inspired by the aggressive tactics of strategist Rahm Emmanuel.

Length 90 minutes


Naftali Bendavid | Donna Brazile | George H. W. Bush | James Carville | Wesley Clark | Emanuel Cleaver | Bill Clinton | James Clyburn | Charlie Cook | Tammy Duckworth | Brad Ellsworth | Rahm Emanuel | Newt Gingrich | Stanley Greenberg | Baron Hill | John Hostettler | Steny H. Hoyer | Josh Kurtz | Frank Luntz | Tim Mahoney | John McCain | Jerry McNerney | Joe Negron | Barack Obama | Norman Ornstein | Nancy Pelosi | Richard Pombo | Charles Rangel | Tom Reynolds | Peter Roskam | Phyllis Schlafly | Christopher Shays | Heath Shuler | Mike Sodrel | Chris Van Hollen | Richard Viguerie | Diane Farrell