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Alone in the Night (1945)

Directed by Christian Stengel


A series of crimes is being perpetrated around a famous singer. Strangely, during each of the crimes, the artist’s voice is heard humming his favorite song. Suspicions lead to a chase through a nocturnal Paris, ending in a disused theater where the assassin has lured his final victim.

Length 95 minutes


Bernard Blier | Sophie Desmarets | Jacques Pills | Jean Davy | Ginette Baudin | Annette Poivre | Jacques Morel | Jacques Dynam | Ariane Muratore | Robert Le Fort | André Wasley | Belaieff | Sylviane Claudel | Denise Benoit | Marcel André | Jean Wall | Louis Salou | Jacques Hélian | Odette Barencey | Mercédès Brare | Léonce Corne | Luce Fabiole | Nathalie Nattier | Émile Riandreys