The film follows the life of Miggy and Laida after their break-up which occurred after the events in the second film. Miggy, is now in a relationship with Belle while Laida is now a fiercer woman after living in the United States. They try to co-exist in the same company while Laida tries to oppose Miggy’s business decisions through a series of events which made them realize the real definition of true love.
Length 120 minutes
Sarah Geronimo | John Lloyd Cruz | Isabelle Daza | Irma Adlawan | Rowell Santiago | Al Tantay | Joross Gamboa | Gio Alvarez | Matet De Leon | Miles Ocampo | Andrei Garcia | Arno Morales | Dante Rivero | Johnny Revilla | Bing Pimentel | Alcris Galura | Gee-Ann Abrahan | Me-Anne Flores | Alexis Nacion | Kristine Lam | Benjamin Domingo Jr. | Vangie Labalan | Cecil Paz | Olive Cruz | Mike Lloren | Carol Guanlao | Richard Manabat | Ben Evans