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King Thrushbeard (1965)

Directed by Walter Beck


A fairy-tale about a beautiful but very haughty princess Anna who cruelly mocks each of her suitors. Finally she is forced by the king to marry a beggar. The poor life, hard work and love teach the princess a lesson and turn her into a loving and kind person.

Length 74 minutes


Bruno Carstens | Marianne Wünscher | Helmut Schreiber | Manfred Krug | Jochen Diestelmann | Axel Triebel | Martin Flörchinger | Arno Wyzniewski | Karin Ugowski | Nico Turoff | Gerd E. Schäfer | Jochen Bley | Jutta Wachowiak | Lothar Förster | Evamaria Heyse | Fritz Decho | Ostara Körner | Trude Brentina | Achim Schmidtchen | Horst Buder | Manfred Heine | Ulrich Balko | Klaus Piontek | Werner Kamenik | Christian Weisbrod | Jürgen Marten | Klaus Schwarz