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Evidently... John Cooper Clarke (2012)

Directed by John Ross


A look at the life of John Cooper Clarke. From his rise as a ‘punk poet’, through his heroin addiction, and finally to his comeback.

Length 60 minutes


John Cooper Clarke | Ben Drew | Bill Bailey | Clint Boon | Billy Bragg | Craig Charles | Jarvis Cocker | Steve Coogan | Paul Farley | Dave Formula | Mike Garry | Andrew MulletProof Graves | Johnny Green | Chris Hewitt | Peter Hook | Steve Hopkins | Wilko Johnson | Phil Jones | Stewart Lee | Don Letts | Paul Morley | Gill Murray | Kate Nash | Henry Normal | Mark Radcliffe | Vini Reilly | John Robb | Miranda Sawyer | Pete Shelley | Arthur Smith | Donnie Sutherland | Mark Thomas | John Thomson | David Threlfall | Alex Turner | Tim Wells | Alan Wise