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Leather Jacket Love Story (1998)

Directed by David DeCoteau


Kyle is 18, an aspiring poet hoping to find inspiration by moving to the arty Silver Lake neighborhood of LA, and maybe love too. On day one, he finds a funky coffee shop, where he hopes to do some writing, but instead meets an older hunk.

Rated NR | Length 85 minutes


Sean Tataryn | Christopher Bradley | Geoff Moody | Héctor Mercado | Stephen J. McCarthy | Erin Krystle | Craig Olsen | Mink Stole | Nicholas Worth | William Butler | Worthie Meacham | Arlene Golonka | Dennis Larkin | Sophie Poster | Daniel Escobar | Bob Prest | Morris Kight | Steve Mateo | David Wolfson | Moist Towelette | Ruby Tuesday | Matthew H. Chontos | Darrin Prescott | Rudolf Weber | B. M. Tracey | Speed Ratliff | William Ashley | David Lispi | Jason Lispi | Rondo Mieczkowski | Robert Mozzi | Michael A. Tatrai | Dimitri Perparos | Gino Colbert | Mauricio Fernández | Robert Cornell | Indego Scott | Denilson Dias | Ellsworth Howard | Alizabeth A. Caro | John Williamson | Royce Mathew | Enrique Fonseca | Steve Lustgarten | Danny J. Barillaro | Ronald Ortega | Les Pollack | Michael A. Vasquez | Ned T. McCune | Martica De Cardenas | Allen Glynn | Tony Moncodo | David Hathaway | Nicolas Pajon | Tricia Nelligan | Amy McDonald | Julia Hogan | Rod Gist | Dwight Charleston | Robbin O'Neill | Nicholas Lee | Casey Murphy | Kristoff | Robert Spring | Tim Murphy | Jeannie M. Lomma | Brian Virwani | Ted Newsom | Chris Endicott | Gabi Endicott | Raul Rules | Richmond Chandler | Darren Smith | Christina Cox | Sandra Ramirez | Tori Spray | Mark Gayeski | Bernard Lambient | Greg Thompson | Chris Henecke | Gerry Pass | Christopher Horan | Clayton Doyle | Jay Longfellow | Maria Perez | Scott Hamre | Jesse Long | Michael Galloway | Chris Paulsen | Ned McClune | Edward Reno Hibbs | Stuart Timmons | Jimmy Gray | Kevin Connor | Tom Margol | Russ Mortenson | John Shelton | Leland Bard | Steven R. Olin | James F. Brewin | David Malamee | James B. Cieszlak | Glenn K. Wolf | William Cockerham | Thomas Trafelet | Heidi Rae