Milan, racing and alive, is the background to the story of Luca and Mickey, two brothers in their thirties, perennially in conflict and intent on reaching their individual dreams. A dry comedy, which at times is bitter and then fleets to ironic and amusing. Luca, a writer, dreams of making an independent film based on his own script.
Length 104 minutes
Alessandro Sampaoli | Eric Alexander | Silvia Baldo | Camila Raznovich | Franco Sangermano | Andrea Lapi | Liliana Feldmann | Kristen Grove | Kristen Reichert | Sergio Masieri | Monica Pariante | Raffaele Fallica | Gianluca Iacono | Ernesto Maria Rossi | Alberto Mancioppi | Maria Grazia Santarone | Giulia Cailotto | Dario Merlini | Claudio Colombo | Federico Caprara | Massimiliano Zampetti | Angelo Donato Colombo