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A Mom for Christmas (1990)

Directed by George T. Miller


A department store mannequin comes to life during the holiday season for a motherless little girl who wishes she had a mom for Christmas, and proceeds to charm her hard-working dad, too.

Length 96 minutes


Olivia Newton-John | Juliet Sorcey | Doug Sheehan | Carmen Argenziano | Aubrey Morris | Jim Piddock | Doris Roberts | Elliot Moss Greenbaum | Erica Mitchell | Jesse Vincent | Brett Harrelson | Steve Russell | Greg Procaccino | Ronald M. Lautore | Helen Whitelow | Justin DiPego | Kathy Lubow | Dan Okenfuss | Gabrielle Dennis | MaryLee Herrmann | Paula Ingram | William C. Ingram | Lonzo Jones | Irvetta McMurtry | John Adrian Riley | Rob Habig