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The Song of the Grey Pigeon (1961)

Directed by Stanislav Barabáš


An unusual children’s film set during World War II in Czechoslovakia, this compelling drama unfolds five different segments that present the war through the eyes of three youngsters. The three have a series of adventures which include saving a soldier from being captured by the Germans, helping out the resistance fighters, and meeting up with a young Russian woman trained in guerrilla warfare. As they learn more about life and danger, various circumstances constantly recall the reality of war itself. The title comes from a wounded pigeon under the care of one of the youngsters.

Length 98 minutes


Pavol Poláček | Pavol Mattoš | Vlado Brečka | Karol Machata | Ladislav Chudík | Vladimír Durdík | Jiří Sovák | Karla Chadimová | Elena Pappová | Olga Zöllnerová | Ján Bzdúch | Martin Ťapák | Otto Lackovič | Dana Šamíková | Dušan Kosec | Peter Kollárik | Peter Krajčovič | Viktor Blaho | Adam Matejka | Jaroslav Rozsíval | Július Vašek | Ivan Krivosudský | Jozef Hanúsek | Viliam Polónyi | Karol Černík | Ján Kákoni | Anton Michalička | Mikuláš Bugár | František Karas | Ľudovít Reiter | Anton Glézl | Maja Velšicová | Karol Jaura | Pavel Feigler | Jozef Režucha | Peter Czihal | Marián Kleis St. | Michal Belák | Milan Hrabinský | M. Bartoník | František Dibarbora | Ján Klimo | Viera Topinková