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Antonia - Zwischen Liebe und Macht (2001)

Directed by Jörg Grünler


Stunningly attractive law student Antonia Scherer and her girlfriend Judy are earning vacation money as Paparazze for a slimy gossip columnist named WALZ. Part of the job involves trying to snap photos of famous people on the Cote d’Azur. The two girls promptly catch a snap of the eldest son of a mega rich banking family, in a suggestive situation. Realizing that she has been spotted by him, Antonia runs off with the film but is then involved in an accident and loses consciousness. She wakes up to find herself on Leonhardt’s private yacht.

Length 180 minutes


Alexandra Kamp | Kai Wiesinger | Benjamin Sadler | Vanni Corbellini | Bernd Stegemann | Michael Hanemann | Maren Gingeleit | Naike Rivelli | Dietrich Hollinderbäumer | Rita Russek | Jörg Pilawa | Mechthild Großmann | Stefan Gebelhoff | Edda Petri | Ulf Montanus | Karl-Heinz Gierke | Carole Huitorel | Judith Döker