“A Miami Tail” is a contemporary version of Lysistrata, a classic Greek comedy by Aristophanes. “A Miami Tail” has Alicia (Trina) leading the women of Liberty City in a protest against gang violence and disrespect of women in their neighborhood by refusing sex to their gangbanging boyfriends.
Length 84 minutes
Trina | Sommore | Neferteri Shepherd | Roxzane T. Mims | Kia Samuel | Tony Reddick | Benji Brown | Henry Clay | Dexter Angry | Malcolm Spears | Mr. Cheeks | Takiyah Cullins | Rakeem Duhart | Víctor López | Vintea Narin | Courtney Horne | DJ Raylo | Nicole Ricca | Reginald 'Showtime' Saunders | Tsion Tekle | Sven Garrett | Yancy Mendia | Grace Hichez | A.J. Alexander | Anna Gordh | Chris Turner | Jermahn Williams | Nicole Sia Dozer | Morae Ramsey | Tremaine Brown | Ty Johnson | Teresa Poulos | Natasha Majors | Aneesha Majors | Tyisha Jones | Katuscia Edeme | Nadia Williams | Marlene Houston | Taonaya Fleury | Meliana Alexis | Nanida Larrieux | Liza Daniel | Mary Jones | Moya Peterson | Robin Thompson | Lamonte Curry | Nathaniel Samuel Phillips | Dedrick Telford | Gregory Johnson | Jilani Marcus | Andrew Jones | Barbara A. Lopez | Kamilla Reis | Rene Ahsman | Lema Taylor | Mariella Quiros | Caroline Bonds | David Emani | Melvin James | Vintea Nairn | Katrell Nichole | Sweetie Sherrié | Salema Taylor | C.O. | Isis Velazquez