Tells the story of Askal (John Regala) hardened by life in poverty. All grown up, he uses his skills to stop the spreading of ‘Askals’ (Asong-Kalye, Street Dog; used as a metaphor for street children) and give them a better future. Stopping the root of all crimes and poverty in the process. A modern-day Robin Hood.
Length 106 minutes
John Regala | Beth Tamayo | Mikee Villanueva | Mat Ranillo III | William Martinez | Dick Israel | Bob Soler | Jun Aristorenas | Lecy Ignacio | Metring David | Nonong De Andres | Danny Riel | Danny Labra | Vic Belaro | Tony Bagyo | Bobby Henson | Bong Francisco | Eva Darren | Larry Esguerra | Roger Moring | Rene Balan | CJ Ramos | Jun Dauz | Amang Mendoza | Efren Mendoza | Lt. Arban | Nestor Balla | Anthony Griar | Wex Milan | Dankly Reyes | Freddie Onra | Danny Martinez | Ben Dugan | Shobe Custodio | Hook | Arsenio Bhoy Agpoon