Animated film about two young boys, Bolek and Lolek, who seek to fulfill the last will of Phileas Fogg who decided that his inheritor would be the one who made an identical round the world journey as he had done, using the means of transport generally in use in the nineteenth century. As they journey round the world, a bad character named Jeremiah tries to foil their attempts.
Length 101 minutes
Ewa Zlotowska | Danuta Mancewicz | Jan Kociniak | Wiesław Michnikowski | Andrzej Zaorski | Zdzisław Leśniak | Lech Ordon | Tomasz Zaliwski | Tadeusz Włudarski | Kazimierz Brusikiewicz | Cezary Kwieciński | Jerzy Tkaczyk