The film is a sequel to the 1988 film August 1, which was directed by Sibi Malayil, and written by S. N. Swamy. Following from August 1, Mammootty plays the character of the Crime Branch officer Perumal who investigates into an attempt of assassination on the chief minister of Kerala on the 15th of August, the Independence Day of India.
Length 138 minutes
Mammootty | Nedumudi Venu | Siddique | Jagathy Sreekumar | Meghana Raj | Shweta Menon | Saikumar | Lalu Alex | Balachandran Chullikkadu | Thalaivasal Vijay | Biju Pappan | Madhu | Kundara Johny | Zeenath | Krishna | Ambika Mohan | Maya Moushmi | Resmi Boban | Poojappura Ravi