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Heaven's Fire (1999)

Directed by David Warry-Smith


Terrorists seize a building with intent to blow it up. However, one of the men trapped in the building is an ex-treasury agent, who just happens to be there with his wife and children in a tour group. Having to fight the terrorists and fires that breakout in the high rise…

Length 87 minutes


Eric Roberts | Jürgen Prochnow | Venus Terzo | Lisa Marie Caruk | Kaj-Erik Eriksen | Cali Timmins | Sheila Moore | Ingrid Torrance | Rebecca Reichert | Don MacKay | Craig Veroni | John Maclaren | Stephen Mendel | David Fredericks | Aaron Pearl | Colin Lawrence | Steve Bacic | Alf Humphreys | Gavin Buhr | Kymberly Sheppard | Angelika Libera