In this musical comedy, the trouble begins when a carefree playboy steals the virtue of a young French maiden and is forced to marry her when her angry father, a financier finds out. The playboy is flat broke, but does the honorable thing. The newlyweds then board a ship and sail off to the States. They are accompanied by the girl’s ex-fiance. The plan was for the young marrieds to get a divorce as soon as possible, but then the groom realizes that he really does love the girl. Happiness ensues
Length 81 minutes
Stanley Lupino | Jack Melford | Aileen Marson | Robert English | Dennis Hoey | Arty Ash | Roddy Hughes | Syd Crossley | Doris Rogers | Barry Clifton | Deidre Gale | Charles Penrose | Heron Carvic | Percival Mackey