Dominic and Miguel, the school’s most notorious students, are challenged when the school participates in a quiz show to upgrade the image of the school. With the gorgeous Professor Eula Yulo as their mentor, the three are out to prove to everyone that they are more than just troublemakers.
Andrew E. | Ogie Alcasid | Rufa Mae Quinto | Patricia Javier | Jen Rosendahl | Mikey Macapagal Arroyo | Rico J. Puno | Alicia Lane | Manjo del Mundo | Caloy Alde | Don Pepot | Cloyd Robinson | Al Tantay | Lou Veloso | Cita Astals | Boy Alano | Goms Burza | Whitney Tyson | Romy Santos | Mel Kimura | Chino Pamintuan | Elizabeth Oropesa | Kristine Jaca