Susanne is a young single mother who lives a somewhat “carefree” lifestyle. After quitting her job, she finds herself in trouble financially and attempts a minor insurance fraud to make ends meet. Despite its rare view of everyday socialism from a woman’s perspective, East German officials were critical of this frank portrayal of a less-than-ideal socialist citizen and turned down all invitations for the film to be screened abroad.
Length 88 minutes
Heidemarie Schneider | Roman Kaminski | Heidrun Bartholomäus | Hilmar Baumann | Gisela Bestehorn | Gertrud Brendler | Johanna Clas | Birgit Edenharter | Christine Harbort | Roland Hemmo | Peter Herden | Anita Herbst | Andrej Hoffmann | Horst Lebinsky | Ralf-Günter Krolkiewicz | Franziska Kleinert | Renée Kubsch | Walter Lendrich | Andrea Meissner | Klaus Mertens | Arnim Mühlstädt | Angelika Perdelwitz | Gisela Rubbel | Siegfried Seibt