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Harrad Summer (1974)

Directed by Steven Hilliard Stern


Stanley, Harry, Sheila and Beth, four students from the ‘free sex’ Harrad College, spend the summer together to meet their families.

Rated NR | Length 87 minutes


Richard Doran | Victoria Thompson | Laurie Walters | Robert Reiser | Bill Dana | Emmaline Henry | Walter Brooke | Titos Vandis | Angela Clarke | Jodean Lawrence | Mimi Saffian | Sherry Miles | Pearl Shear | Fred Willard | Patrice Rohmer | George Memmoli | Bill Saluga | Marjorie Bennett | Maggie Wellman | James Beach | Lisa Moore | Diana Darrin | Margarita Garcia | Jane Lambert | Kendall Carly Browne | Sylvia Walden | George McKelvey | Marty Allen