Follows four friends in their quest to form a punk band. As workers protests sweep across the country, Janek and Staszek, the sons of a navy man, the rebellious Kazik, and the affluent Diabel gel as a band, but their disparate lives are touched by social turmoil and outside perceptions.
Length 95 minutes
Mateusz Kościukiewicz | Olga Frycz | Jakub Gierszał | Andrzej Chyra | Anna Radwan | Katarzyna Herman | Mateusz Banasiuk | Igor Obłoza | Marek Kalita | Zygmunt Malanowicz | Elżbieta Karkoszka | Brygida Turowska-Szymczak | Ewa Kolasińska | Halina Skoczyńska | Grzegorz Gzyl | Maciej Nawrocki | Marian Jaskulski | Dariusz Siastacz | Bogdan Smagacki