The 5th woman unfolds autumn 1994. An elderly man found in a gillrad pitfall impaled to death on the sharp sharpened bamboo poles, ecstatic praise of crows. Shortly afterwards disappears a florist without a trace and he also found executed in the forest. Kurt Wallander and his colleagues will soon understand that the attacks is all about revenge.
Marie Richardson | Michael Nyqvist | Rolf Lassgård | Christer Fant | Lars Melin | Kerstin Andersson | Anki Lidén | Emy Storm | Kenneth Milldoff | Klas-Gösta Olsson | Lakke Magnusson | Keve Hjelm | Catherine Jeppsson | Palle Granditsky | Jenny Rudell | Ylva Nilsson | Göte Fyhring | Rosalina Gauffin | Erik Larsson | Lasse Beischer | Monica Almqvist-Lovén