An extraordinary black comedy that explores the limits of survival and absurdist political power games. The story takes place in times of elections in Mexico. A candidate for Governor runs over a pregnant migrant. After the accident, and to avoid a possible scandal, he hides her in a building he owns. Pressured by his political boss and so as not to ruin his political career, the candidate evicts the migrant. In a non-realistic style, the film focuses on the stories that surround the migrant during her search for a room. A radical film, with a critical gaze, that reflects the spirit of contemporary Mexican society.
Length 77 minutes
Nallely Cardona | Itzel Mendoza | Fernando Rojasbarr | Tony Alva | Clarisa Rendón | Enrique Avilés | Rafael Romero | José Rafael Flores | Jorge Isaac Macías | Pedro Pérez | Adriana Ramona | Joaquín Chablé | Ángel Garnica | Miguel Ángel Ordoñez | Ana Teresa Moreno | Juan Fonseca | María Elena Olivares | Alicia Camacho | Alberto Luck | Alejandro Gabb | Ari Luque | Ana Lourdes López | Beatriz Sánchez Tello | Camilo Acotl | Carolina Zamudio | Claudia Acosta | Luis Enrique Granados Vega | Daoud Sarhandi | Éric Sánchez | Erick Israel Consuelo | Frida Rodríguez | Gabie Lazcano | Gabriela Ambriz | Gala Gutiérrez | Jonatán Álvarez | Jorge Guzerra | Juan Carlos Torres | Lucía Izquierdo | Margarita Murillo | Monserrat Mendoza | Nancy Smith | Ramsés Álvarez | Ricardo Mendoza | Sandra Cervantes | Vania Sisaí | Zafirah Sarhandi | José Luis García