Shouichi encounters a teenage girl called Sayaka, who ran away from a military facility because of an attack by the Ant Lords. Sayaka has a supernatural ability to foresee the future. Risa Fukami, of the military group GA, wants to use that power to enhance the newly-made G4 System, which was based upon designs stolen from Ozawa. Now, Agito and Gills must fight to stop the Ant Lords’ attack, as G3 and G4 settle their score.
Length 70 minutes
Toshiki Kashû | Jun Kaname | Yûsuke Tomoi | Ryo Karato | Maju Ozawa | Rina Akiyama | Touko Fujita | Atsushi Ogawa | Jun Yamasaki | Rei Haneo | Kazumasa Taguchi | Akiyoshi Shibata | Tokimasa Tanabe | Takeshi Masu | Akane Kimura | Rikiya Ôtaka | Shunsuke Nakamura | Tsuyoshi Ujiki | Noriko Watanabe | Hiroshi Fujioka | Yoko Gendai | Kenji Anan | Kentarô Kaji | Ken Kano | Masahiro Noguchi | Shinji Matsubayashi | Hiroshi Kaneko | Yuki Anai | Kunihiko Yasui | Katsumi Shiono | Hiroyuki Shibamoto | Hiromi Tsuru